Women using their gifts and talents to impact their home ministry while radiating the definition of a Christian creative.  Women celebrating their uniqueness, women empowering other women, and women celebrating community over competition.


God-fearing, Productive, and Transparent

I'm Nora. I'm a 20-something Christian with a passion for online business. I've been a website designer, virtual assistant, and blogger in the past few years but recently found my stride in helping other business owners get systems set up and their online life organized. I've been called a workflow expert.

I use to stress about everything - Bills due? Homework coming up? Current client? It used to make me lose sleep at night. Why? Because my life, business and education were not working together. I bet you feel like this too, sometimes. Running a business is tough on its own. Running a business with another job, kids or schooling makes it harder. 

When I started my first blog in high school my main goal was to organize my life and help others escape stress. My goal hasn't changed in the last 7 years, I've just gotten better at helping YOU get organized. is a collection of resources and guides to help you take control of your business and get your life on track.




Everyone pursues a productive life, but productivity looks different for everyone. The Bible does talk about productivity and there are key things you can do that will make you a more productive, balanced and happy person. Access this 4 week Bible email series today.


I believe one of the many reasons people turn away from God is that they are put-off by Christian who speak falsehood and spread hate in the name of Jesus. I wanted to take a new approach to the way I introduce people to Jesus through my brand. By being transparent in my writing, honest and bold in my blog posts and loving in my customer service, I hope that I can give my audience a view of Christians that some of them may have never seen. I share Jesus through my actions more than through my words, and I develop relationships with my audience so that they can begin to know God in an authentic and non-preachy way.



2 Timothy 3:12-13

"In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."

So often, Christians expect that by following Jesus, we are promised easy lives or financial peace or perfect families. I love this verse because it reminds me that if I'm truly following in Jesus's footsteps, my actions will be questions and my decisions argued. This isn't a path for the faint of heart, and following Jesus is a courageous and dangerous path, but one that has its rewards waiting for us after we leave the pain behind.