Reader Survey + Visa Gift Card Giveaway

Happy friDay lovelies!  A massive thank you for all your love and support and I have such a joyful heart knowing that you all are allowing me to share my journey and walking together with me to live more on purpose and intentional for God.  

I'm so thrilled to be working on a new project that is all about serving you all and helping you all to be amazing women of God.  Do you dare to live the life God has called you to?  Want to be more transparent, bold, and courageous?  Well that passion and desire you are feeling right now, that is exactly how I feel when it comes to helping you grow in your faith journey.

In order to serve you, I need your help and I'm ready to meet you right where you are!  Please take a few minutes to complete the brief survey below.  And because you all are wonderful and awesome, one blessed winner will receive a $25 visa gift card and everyone who participates will get an exclusive promo code to the shop! A giveaway where everyone awesome is that! ( Winner announced on Wednesday, October 8th)

Thanks  again and I look forward to hearing from everyone!  Enjoy your weekend and share the Good News with someone!  Let's impact lives for Christ!

[Survey Closed]