Don't run from the work....feel the work!

So when it comes to exercising, we know that in order to get to our goal fitness/health level we must complete x, y, and z!  You have to put in the time, a lot of sweat, and a lot of determination!  Why can't we use this same approach when it comes to serving Christ?  Well I must say that God has checked my spirit on many occasions when it comes to putting in the work for him and Shaun T's quote "Don't run from the work...feel the work!" has made me look at this issue a little closer.

We are God's workers and Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV) states "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."  Just like losing weight, getting toned, or being healthy is a by product of working hard in the gym, the same goes with receiving God's righteousness and blessings....they are an reward from God.  In case you didn't know, being a Christian requires A LOT OF WORK.....HARD WORK!  Our journeys won't be easy and working for God is far more harder than our earthly jobs.  Working for God will be uncomfortable, hard, and challenging.  Don't run from God's love and His will for your life...embrace it and feel his presence!

Now the scriptures didn't say that you should just go through the motions or "getter done" :)', but we should be engaging and giving our best from our hearts.  Not working to please man or to receive praise, but working because you know you are living for Christ - striving daily to live like him, serving others, and extending his kingdom.  When we give God our best, he will give us his best!  And that's what I want for us all!

So how can you begin or restart your life working for Christ?  The first step is surrendering everything to him and acknowledging that it's not you who is working but Christ who is working in you!  Your dependence on God means walking through the fog and allowing him to hold your hand and guide you!  It's not our job to lead but to follow.  Next, we follow and put in the work by spending time with him - worshiping, praying, serving, giving, and praising!  As I stated, working for Christ won't be easy but do know that you have someone there who is guiding and protecting you!  It's our faith journey - trusting and growing in Christ!  I pray that you spend some time mediating on areas in your life you can work harder in and trust that God will help you and that at the end of your journey you will reap the greatest reward......Eternal life with our King!