Behind the Biz - Customer Spotlight no.1

Happy Friday!  I'm not sure about you all, but this week has been awesome!  From jumpstarting the week with a heart ready to worship, reflecting on a grateful heart, and embracing each moment, my heart is filled with so much joy and anticipation for what God has planned for next week!  

I'm also excited to kick start my new customer spotlight series where I will be featuring some of my awesome customers and share a little about them and their #faithjourneys.  A massive thank you to all of my customers, for supporting Chamel's Creations' vision to express our faith in the everyday and impact lives for Christ. You are inviting His truth in to transform you and others.. All for His Glory!

Why do you love your product (s) and how has it encouraged you?: It gives me an opening to share my faith with others when they see my cute little pouch.

What has been your biggest struggle in your faith journey?: Letting go and letting God. Just basically, saying that I trust him all the way with everything.

What advice would you share with someone in regards to this same struggle?: He knows what he is doing even if we do not understand it.

Visit Jen over at

Are you interested in being featured on Chamel's Creations?  Submit your rave here and looking forward to featuring you!  Thanks for your support!