Hello September...Falling into the Presence of God!

The leaves are falling - vivid in their colors as the season change and we welcome in September! I'm ready to enjoy the cooler crisp days, break out the scarves, and prep for all the fall festivities. For me, September is also about falling into the presence of God!  More time with God in prayer and study, to be more intentional in the lives of others - to serve and encourage, and finally to live more in the present.  I hope that you will join me in [project] dream.set.go this month to welcome in change and abundance.....Remember that seasons change and so do we! Let's dream.set.go!

August's Recap

[my #faithjourney] Continue my navigation through the Jonah study by Priscilla Shirer, commit to more prayer time daily for the renewing of my mind and God's direction, and complete "The Resolution for Women." Completed the Jonah study - awesome, highly recommend.  Increased prayer time but still want to work at being more focused.  Didn't get to finish the Resolution...but working towards it!

[self-care] Focus on being healthier...continue workouts (T25/YMCA), drink more water, and attempt a healthier diet. :)' Striving to drop 8 lbs and build my endurance...goal to run a 5K...no stopping!  Okay....didn't meet my goal weight lose, but did get in 3 workouts per week..baby steps!  

[the biz] Commit to blogging 2x weekly and work on new resources/service..coming soon..can't wait to share! Start early prepping for the holiday season!  Brainstorming holiday products, marketing efforts, and so much more.  Super excited......Proud to say that I rocked at blogging this month - stayed consistent and enjoyed it so much!  Prepping for the holiday season takes a lot of work, yet exciting!  Thinking about holding off on my new services until January...we will see!

[me+fam+life] We're back on the grind!  Praying to ease back into our family's day to day routine  with school, work, therapies, etc.  Hoping to incorporate a better cleaning and meal-planning schedule.  We have adjusted very well into our routine and our cleaning schedule has been very helpful for me...I don't feel so stressed about house chores and can spend more time with fam.

September Goals

[my #faithjourney] Commit to a.m. prayer time with God and learn to focus and mediate.

[self-care] I must get my water intake in and take vitamins.  I want to start incorporating yoga into my workout schedule!  Also aiming for a little "me time"....striving for two pedicures this month!

[the biz] Continue to prep for the holiday season: write out goals, compose a schedule, and start working!  It's going to be a blessed season!  Be consistent with blogging this month..again!  Hoping to connect more with other bloggers and work towards growing my little space.  Also, I can't wait to attend Mint & Mingle hosted by House of Bliss and Everyday Orange and learn how to write better copy and design for my biz.

[me+fam+life] I'm currently leading the kids ministry at church and working on weekly lessons that are fun and will help kids learn about God's love and servant heart.  This month is also my husband's birthday, and I looking forward to our date night/bday celebration.  (Can't wait...)

How will you make September a month to remember?

A friendly reminder that our fall launch sale will be ending on Tuesday midnight CST. Grab one of our baseball tees for $25 or tote for $15....and U.S. shipping is included with promo code CCFALL2014 at checkout!  SHOP NOW