2014::Season of Favor!

Happy Friday Everyone! I pray that all is well!  If you didn't get a chance to checkout Wednesday's Ministry through Music" series post, I shared William Murphy's song It's Working...which set the tone for this post!  Are you declaring that 2014 will be your Season of Favor...to see his supernatural power? For several months now, I've been feeling like I'm on a roller coaster of life to include times of frustration, discouragement, and times of joy, excitement, etc.  (You see I listed the negatives first....seem like more downs than ups)  Through prayer and studying God's word, the Holy Spirit shared that in order to reap all the blessings of God, we have to stay faithful and not waver.  Romans 8:28 states:

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Do you truly believe that God loves you?  Wants the best for you?  Once we fully accept God's truth, only then can we experience His supernatural power...His Blessings...His Glory...His BEST!  So I'm declaring and decreeing that I will no longer hold on to the things of the past: my thoughts, doubts, mistakes, etc. but strive daily to trust God more in 2014!  I'm trusting Him to help make me a better Woman of God, wife, mother, ministry leader, and entrepreneur.  In addition, I'm anticipating and expecting blessing's in our family finances and in our family and friend's lives.  He is about to BLOW UP! :)  I pray that this post has encouraged you and opened your heart to surrender all to him and watch His glory be revealed!