My Lovely Baby Bump...Check It Out!

Yep...yep..yep!  We are expecting baby #3 and we're having another BOY! OMG!  I couldn't believe it either! I was so desiring to have a girl but God knows best and apparently He knows I'm equipped to handle three spirited boys + hubby. LOL  Our little Cameron is due May 31, 2015!

I'm currently 28 weeks and entering into the third trimester! Lord...time goes fast!  Cameron is growing and on the move....this baby feels like he is up all the time.  It's an adjustment with baby #3 compared to my other two.  Being pregnant and running behind a 6 and 3 year olds is a job. :)  I'm praying for a smooth transition with Cameron and it felt like I've just gotten in a grove with two boys.  I know that with time and patience everything is going to be alright!  


I'm truly blessed to be moving right along with this pregnancy!  My last pregnancy lasted 25 weeks and a long journey in the NICU with my youngest son Kaleb being born at 1 lb and 9 ozs.  We are three weeks past that timeframe and going strong.  I've been closely watched by my doctors and taking weekly progesterone injections.  So far so good and I'm thankful!  What I'm looking forward to the most is holding my little Cameron after birth and having that bonding time -- to feel his soft skin, embrace that new baby smell, and the warmth of his breath and body against mine!  I'm so excited!

Prayerfully, God continues to allow me to press through and I can't wait to share more updates soon!