3 Ways to "REST" in God!

You know that repetitive sound or still small voice you hear but find yourself ignoring it?  It's God and He is saying surrender all to me.  Recently, I've experience a complete transformation in my life but it ONLY happened when I stopped seeking direction on my own and found rest in God.  Late November 2014, God spoke to my heart and asked me to "STOP" and to let go and trust Him with my everything.  It was tough but I was tired and exhausted of trying to figure things out and make things happen on my own.  I was reminded of Matthew 6:33 that states "seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."  My translation, "Be about His business and He will be about yours!"

Wondering how to have complete rest in God?  Great question. First, acknowledge that God is in control and has already pre-planned your life.  The ultimate goal is to make Him a priority in your life, develop an intimate relationship with Him, and expect His best.  It takes work, but you will experience a shift in your atmosphere, attitude, and heart when you truly surrender to God.

Secondly, rest comes when you make up your mind that you will no longer live in the chaos and busyness of life!  Enough is enough.  As women of faith, we can't hear from God when we have so much on our plates and find ourselves being stretched thin.  Ask yourself what is filling your space, calendar, and heart?  I was able to see more of God in my life when I started to de-clutter things, people, tasks, etc. that were keeping me from fully living free, alive, and intentional.  What are those things for you?  Will you step out of your comfort and let go?

Thirdly, friend, the journey won't be easy but know that God is with you every step of the way.  He desires to give you His best, but all He requires is that you love Him unconditionally and rest in Him.  I'm a living testimony of this truth.  When I made up my mind to leave it all at His feet, I saw such a transformation in my life.  My heart is on fire to serve my Heavenly Father, my family, and community with my best.  He has reignited the passion and drive in me to help women like you express their faith in the every day.  To not hold back, but to thrust themselves to be all that God has created them to be.  It's my desire, that you will open your heart to God and allow Him to direct you to live a life with more faith, more special moments, and more margin.  You can do it because you were made for more!

Will you have complete rest in God to truly experience Him and His direction?