God is Great - iFaith Freebie

Happy Friday Everyone!  Today is such an awesome day and I'm so thankful for this past week.  All I can say is that "God is Great!"  Sometimes we have to stop and just give God praise and reverence for who He is!  It's so easy to be thankful for all He has done, but to truly slow down and ponder on how amazing He is and the grace and mercy He extends to us daily -- pure AMAZING!  

SO just in case you need a little reminder, download and share the latest iFaith wallpaper.  Each time you view this lovely wallpaper, take a minute to thank and praise our Father  for being great and mighty.  I bet your heart will be overflowing and others will see and feel it too!  It's about changing our atmosphere, attitudes, and hearts ladies --- there's no shame, just pure transparency and celebrating our love for God!  HE IS GREAT!


"For the LORD is a great God, a great King above all gods."

Psalms 95:3

How has God been great in your life?