Ministry through Music :: If Not For Your Grace

Ministry through ministry is powerful - an opportunity to turn inward towards God to receive His spirit and a chance to give Him praise and worship.  Many times I find myself turning on Pandora and just being still as the music and words saturate my heart, mind, and spirit.  It's truly transforming!  In this current season of life, I've been focusing a lot on God's grace and extending grace to myself and others.  My last post shares an #ifaith freebie that reminds us all to stand in God's grace.  I was also reminded of the goodness of God's grace through Israel Houghton and New Breed's song "If not for your grace." 

"Where would I be
If not for your grace
Carrying me
Through every season
Where would I be
If not for Your grace
You came to my rescue
And I want to thank You
For Your grace"

The lyrics asks a simple but profound question, "where would I be if it not for your grace?" Just take a few minutes and ponder on that - soul stirring for me!  I'm so thankful for His grace that has redeemed, restored, and released me. God has been so good to me and when I don't deserve it, He continues to extend His grace constantly.  I invite you to spend some quiet time with God by listening to the song entirely and allowing the Holy Spirit to move within you.  Thank you God for carrying and protecting us!

Will you allow grace to release visions, dreams, and miracles in your life?

Grab the Ministry through Music's worksheet to dive deeper into this month's song - enjoy!