Excited....Liebster Award!

Chamel's Creations::Liebster Award

I'm so excited that my lovely friend Erin of Life Beyond the Well thought so much of me and my blog to nominate me for the Liebster Award a few weeks backs!  Sorry for the delay in writing a post but I'm so thankful and grateful for the award. (I'm doing the MC Hammer  "typewriter" over here...LOL)  So you may be wondering what is the Liebster Award?  It is given to new and upcoming bloggers who are recognized by their peers and a great way to show love and connect with others.  Thanks again Erin!
Return the love and link back to your nominator, answer nominators 11 questions, post 11 random facts about yourself, nominate several other blogs with less than 200 followers and give them 11 questions to answer, and inform your nominees to spread the word/love.


[My nominator Erin's questions]

  1. What’s the best dish that you cook? I'm more of a baker and love to bake a chocolate cake.
  2. What was your favorite subject when you were in school/growing up? Math
  3. What’s your all-time favorite book? Why? Battlefield of the Mind, Joyce Meyer: Reminds me that I'm in a daily battle with the enemy and that if I prepare myself, mind, and spirit that I can face any challenge because I have God and all his many promises! (Satan...what?...I'm ready to fight)
  4. If you had the opportunity to start your own business, what kind of business would it be? Of course...Chamel's Creations! :) My business specializes in spiritual and colorful handmade gifts to share your faith!
  5. What’s the best piece of advice you received from your parents?  Each generation has to get better than the previous one....to grow and want better!
  6. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?Pediatrician
  7. Cats or Dogs?  Which one would you prefer as a pet? dog
  8. Did you play any sports while in school?  If so, which ones? basketball
  9. If you could have an all-expenses paid vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you choose to go?  Hawaii
  10. What is your favorite childhood memory?  Having fun with my sisters and cousins at our grandparents.
  11. Chipotle, Qdoba, or Moe’s? not a fan of any

Oldest of five sisters
Want to learn to play the bass guitar
Can change oil in a car....Jill of all trades :)'
Favorite color is coral
Had a double wedding with my sister
Love my natural hair
Played the clarinet
Father played in the NFL
Love Greys Anatomy 
Love Target's red clearance stickers
Enjoy kickboxing classes
[So some of my fav bloggers have more than 200 followers...so maybe they haven't been recognized :)]
Mariel of Living for His Glory
Rekita of Her&Nicole
Janine of Janine's Confessions of a Mommyaholic
Callie of Through Clouded Glass


1) What's your favorite movie?
2) What encourages you the most?
3) Have a favorite scripture..why?
4) What is your hobby?
5)Where do you like to shop?
6)What is unique about you?
7) What's your favorite thing about blogging?
8) List favorite concert you've attended?
9) What advice would you give to an upcoming high school senior?
10) What's your favorite season and why?
11) List 3 words that describes you?