The Husband Project Challenge

Ladies, thank you for joining in on The Husband Project Challenge!  Chantel and I are super excited about this study and beginning the ministry that God has placed in our hearts. We are passionate about marriages and helping others experience all the blessings that God has called for marriages. So what is this project? Do you feel like your marriage has gone from "I do" to "What did I do?" Recapture the romance that made you and your husband fall in love in the first place. The Husband Project provides 21 days of fun activities to show love and honor to your husband.  Kathi Lipp will help you discover:

*Proven ways to return fun and flirting to your marriage. *Inner assurance to meet your husband’s unspoken emotional needs. *Increased confidence when it comes to meeting your husbands sexual needs. *New levels of warmth and tenderness in your relationship. *A deeper sense of security with your husband. *A greater ability to boost your husband’s belief in himself.

As part of the challenge, we would like to make this experience fun and exciting!  Throughout the challenge, we will tasks you all to complete various tasks.  For each completed task, you will get your name added to the giveaway drawing.  That's right...the more you complete...the more chances you have!  Chamel's Creations and Chantel Jones Photography are sponsoring a giveaway that includes a Sequoia Large Clutch from Chamel's Creations, $25 gift card, "The Respect Dare" by Nina Roesner , and a surprise gift!

So here are the rules and guidelines: *This is a group challenge, so we all will hold each other accountable during this experience! *Strive to be transparent...the best way to learn and grow in Christ! *We will use this blog for challenge interaction. (Posts will be filed under Empowering through God's Word --> Marriage - God's Way!) *Strive to check and leave comments at least 1 - 2x weekly. (Participation is key to success!) (Encourage you to use email account, but use Name/URL feature to post your name with each contact) *You can also utilize "Subscribe by email" feature on each post to receive updates on follow-up comments

READY | SET | GO ........CHALLENGE #1 1)Email Chantel Jones at to confirm participation. (Email used as backup communication) 2)Week 1 (April 1 - 7): Read at least to page 57 and review covenant (page 33).  Once completed, leave a comment to this post acknowledging completion and acceptance of covenant. (ex. "Let's expect greater for our marriages!  Challenge #1 completed!") **Complete all tasks and name will be added to drawing!**

Remember, "The Husband Project is as much about changing our attitudes as it is about blessing our husbands."