Walking in My Purpose + Upcoming Changes

You feel that stirring in your spirit...it's time to walk in your purpose | Faith journey survey | www.chamelevans.com

Well..Well..It has been a little while since I've had the opportunity to blog, but my time away has been on purpose! To be honest, I was pretty proud of myself for blogging consistently for the month of September and meeting some others goals for this space.  However, I've been sensing a stirring in my heart to push pause and seek after God for some things that have been push backed.  I simply made the decision to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and allowed myself more rest and stillness to be in God's presence and discern His direction.  Do you at times get that feeling in your spirit to remove yourself or slow down to hear from God?  It's nothing you should ignore or feel guilty about, but we're learning to truly make room for God which requires us to surrender our plans, timing, agendas, etc. 

In my time of stillness and prayer, God reassured me of this stirring and that it was time to fully walk in my purpose.  I tried to suppress the feelings and thoughts, but when God gets a hold of you...you can't shake it!  Just be obedient and submit - I did and I have decided that whether my circumstances are good or bad, I will press for the glory of God.

What about your purpose, will you let go of the things holding you back?  Whether it's fear, doubt, confusion, envy, etc, will you thrust yourself towards your purpose?

My purpose requires me to let go of Chamel's Creations! Yep - say what? [that was pretty hard to write]  However, I'm letting go of Chamel's Creations for something new, to transition my business to Chamel Evans.  I started this journey creating handmade Christian products and I'm not saying that I will never create products again, but God is calling me to do more - to help women know and experience Him.  This transition is going to cause me to come out of my comfort a WHOLE lot but I know deep inside this is my calling.  

Chamel Evans is who God created me to be - it's my journey, my brand, and the legacy I want to leave.  I will help women change their lives: to change atmospheres, attitudes, and hearts for the glory of God.  Yep, I'm standing in my purpose and diving right in trusting God all the way. (I'll be sharing more throughout November)

I'm so looking forward to the growth throughout this journey.  The changes that God is going to make in me and in the lives of the women I serve.  Of course, I knew that the moment I declared to walk in my calling, it would set off an alarm to Satan.  We know that he comes to kill, steal, and destroy.  But I'm ready!  He has tactics already in place to attack me, but he doesn't know that this woman [right here... lol] has been working on her strategies to fight him and at the end of the day, I serve a God who has ALREADY won the battle.  VICTORY is mine and I'm going to walk by faith and live the life that God has called me too. [BAM]

You can do the same my friend and I'm claiming it for you.  It is my prayer that you will stick around through this journey with me.  In the next few months you will see some changes to my content, my approach/services, my website, etc. It's going to be amazing and much value to you and your faith journey.  I want to walk with you, serve you, and if nothing else just be transparent and accountable with you.  I seek to know how I can help you, and would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to provide feedback.  Not only will I be able to gain more insight on your needs, but I've put together 3 pretty awesome freebies up for grabs after you complete the survey. (available through 10.31.15 midnight cost)  

I'm so looking forward to this new season and I praise God in advance for the blessings and transformations that will occur.  Thanks again for being here with me and here's to our purpose and living on purpose. - Chamel